Why Attend

The LGPS is currently navigating a complex scenario characterised by heightened regulatory demands and a challenging economic environment.  The LGC Pensions Insight Symposium provides direct access to the decision-makers and key contacts within the pools and funds so you can hear directly what their major challenges are, how they are tackling them and what your organisation should be doing to respond.

5 reasons why you shouldn't miss the LGC Pension Insight Symposium 2024

  • Hear from LGPS experts on what their current priorities are, how they are tackling them and how you can help
  • Contribute to the interactive sessions to share best practice, improve your understanding and sense-check your thinking.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest investment trends and areas of interest and what it means for your organisation
  • Improve your contacts by meeting with potential clients, catching up with existing clients, re-connecting with key contacts and friends during the extensive informal and formal networking.
  • Develop your future strategy through greater knowledge of the challenges faced by the LGPS community.

What attendees from the last symposium thought about it:

  • Great event, well structured, good content and range of speakers
  • As always a very informative event with input from leading LGPS figures.
  • Good information, particularly around the government consultation and nice balance of work and fun
  • An excellent event to network, and as a new starter to the LGPS, a good environment to learn.
  • A great insight into the ecosystem that operates within the LGPS sphere.
  • Relevant and topical subjects discussed by practitioners without a sales pitch.
  • A friendly environment to catch up with peers, make new connections and learn the latest about LGPS


of delegates achieved or partially achieved their objectives at the event


of the speakers were rated good or excellent


of delegates rated the sessions excellent or good for their relevance


of delegates rated the speed networking session excellent or good